The present article breaks down the regulatory framework required for the various industries to function or even exist and the legal sanctions/penalties to be met in failure of its Compliance. Waste-Generation in India is directly proportional to the growth and development of Industries and factories.
Under the Umbrella Act of Environment Protection Act, 1986 in Conjunction with The Ministry of Environment and Forests, the Central Govt. Via notification in the Official Gazette, can draw legislation with respect to the standards of air-quality/soil, the maximum permissible limits of the environmental pollutants, procedures, and prevention when dealing with hazardous substances and so on Under Section 6, EPA, 1986.
The BMW Rules, 1998 provide for the Legal obligations on the health care-facilities to well-organize the process of hospital waste-disposal, segregation, treatment, and collection with respect to either human beings or animals. The healthcare facilities include:
Rules of Compliance: Every establishment generating/involved with BM waste needs to follow the following procedure:
Ensures safe disposal of abandoned lead-acid batteries and its components entailing all stakeholders. The above rule is applicable to every-
Rules of Compliance: Every SPCB has to submit an annual-compliance-report to the CPCB. Every establishment generating/involved with batteries needs to follow the following procedure:
Legal Sanction- Non-compliance of the above rules shall lead to a penalty of 1,00,000 INR and/or imprisonment for up to 5 years. - General Sanction under the EPA, Act.
Provides for subjects of disposal, import and recycle of the e-waste. E-waste produced can be in whole or in part. - Applicable on every
Rules of Compliance:
III.a. For producers collection during manufacture and from ‘end of life’ products Collection-centers to be set up separately or in cooperation. Funding and managing a system to provide for the end-of-life product e-waste Contact details of the Collection center to be given to the consumers/bulk-consumers. Raise Public Awareness with regard to hazards of mishandling of e-waste etc. As per Rule 9- Authorization to be obtained by The SPCB/ Pollution Control Committee. Records-maintenance and return filing will be made.
III.b.For Collection Centers As per rule 9- authorization from the SPCB/Pollution Control Committee and mention the contact details- address, contact-no, etc. Ensure safe-storage prior to reaching the dismantler.
Ensure storage and transportation causes NO HARM Maintenance of records.
III.c. For Dismantler: Authorization and registration via SPCB/Pollution Control Committee. Ensure NO HARM No adverse effects on the environment and human health Standard guidelines for the dismantling process set by the CPCB to be met Separation of waste and its transport to registered-recycling facilities need to be assured. Non-recyclable and non-reclaimable materials to be transported to a standard-registered storage or disposal facility. Cannot recycle unless registered for the same with SPCB. Return filings will be made.
III.d. For Recyclers: Authorization and registration- as per Rule 9,11. Facility and steps/techniques as per the strict guidelines provided by the CPCB. Records Maintained and for inspection accessible by the SPCB/CPCB etc. Silt waste to be sent to Hazardous-Waste-Management-storage-disposal units. Annual return filing will be made.
Legal Sanction- Non-compliance of the above rules shall lead to cancellation/suspension of the authorization.
It provides legislation with regard to manufacture, usage, and recycling of any kind of plastic waste. - Applicable to all
Rules of Compliance:
Legal Sanction- Non-compliance of the above rules shall lead to a penalty of 1,00,000 INR and/or imprisonment for up to 5 years. - General Sanction under the EPA, Act.
Provides a regulatory framework for production, repository, reuse, recycle, import and treatment of hazardous wastes (HW). Any waste that separately or in combination with something can have an adverse effect on health and environment is Hazardous waste.
Rules of Compliance:
For Occupiers: Every occupier of the facility needs to be authorized under SPCB. Thus, responsible for the safe handling of such wastes.
For Import/Transboundary Movement: The rules prescribed are given below
Legal Sanction- Non-compliance of the above rules shall lead to cancellation or suspension of authorization by the State Pollution Control Board.
The need for sustainable development has been recently recognized by the regulators thus imposing Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) on Companies via Companies Act, 2013.
The compliance of such rules is ensured by the strict rules imposed which if violated would lead to cancellation, suspension of the authorization or few might even lead to imprisonment and hefty fines.
Hence, compliance with the Environment laws is a necessity to be fulfilled for creating goodwill in the market as well as sustaining the environment.