(1) Surplus food shall be picked up from the food business operator’s facility and packed in clean and covered containers. Such food containers shall have the required date marking such as pick-up date and the use by date of food.
(2) Surplus food shall be stored and transported in clean and sanitized vehicles in appropriate hygienic condition at appropriate optimum temperature suitable for perishable and non-perishable food separately. Insulated containers and ice packs, if necessary, may be used to maintain food temperature during handling and transportation. Food transport equipment/ utensils that are intended to be in direct contact with food products should be constructed with non-toxic, food grade materials, which shall also be easy to clean and maintain.
(3) Surplus food shall be distributed or served to the needy before the expiry of surplus food or until food is fit for human consumption, as the case may be.
(4) Food that is not fit for human consumption shall be put in a container clearly marked as “Food for Disposal”.
(5) Food shall be stored off the floor and away from walls and non-food items. storage area, including the floor, pallets and shelves shall be cleaned regularly.
(6) Where refrigerator is used for storage of surplus food, these shall be cleaned at least once a week to remove stains, ice particles and food particles. The temperature in the refrigerator shall be maintained below 7?.
(7) Doors, windows and roofs of storage area shall be well sealed to prevent pest entry and a pest control program shall be in place for such areas.
(8) All employees or volunteers that work with distribution organization and come in direct contact with food shall keep their finger nails trimmed and shall wear clean outer garments and wash their hands before starting work, and as often as necessary, especially after eating handling or using the washroom, etc.
(9) Avoid eating food, drinking beverages, or using tobacco in any form in areas where food is exposed, or in areas used for washing equipment or utensils shall be avoided.
(10) No person shall come in contact with food during any illness that is communicable through food. Cuts, boils and wounds shall be covered.
(11) All employees or volunteers that work with distribution organizations and come in direct contact with food shall have training in health and personal hygiene.
The food donor shall give an advance notice to the surplus food distribution organization so as to ensure a timely distribution and consumption of the food within its shelf life.
Labeling requirements of donated foods:
(1) The requirements for labeling of donated food depends on whether the food is in its original package or has been prepared as meal.
(2) Donated pre-packed food shall bear its complete original label, including name of the item or food, manufacturer information, list of ingredients, and date of expiry.
(3) Donated prepared food shall be labeled with the name of the food, the source of the food, the date of preparation and last date of consumption and also specify whether the food is vegetarian or non-vegetarian.
(4) The information on the label shall not be masked in any manner.
Maintenance of record of surplus food: The food donor and surplus food distribution organization shall maintain the record of surplus food as specified in Schedule-II.
Monitoring Committee and its functions: The Commissioner of Food Safety of the State or, as the case may be, the Union territory shall constitute a monitoring committee for surplus food at State level consisting of two members from State enforcement agency, one representative from Department of Consumer Affairs of the respective State, one member from non-governmental organization , one representative from surplus food distribution organization and one representative from industry association and other relevant stakeholders.
The monitoring committee shall monitor and make recommendations on the improvement of the operations by the surplus food distribution organization and food donors. The monitoring committee may also conduct training programs in health and hygiene for the food handler of food distribution organization and also make recommendations on issues arising from implementation of the provisions of these regulations.