Re-Purpose Used Cooking Oil (RUCO)

Re-Purpose Used Cooking Oil (RUCO)

Re-Purpose Used Cooking Oil (RUCO)

What is repurpose used cooking oil?

While frying any kind of food item the properties of the oil used for frying gets altered and on repetitive frying of same oil compounds are formed known as Total Polar Compounds(TPC), consuming these compounds can cause several diseases like liver related diseases, hypertension , Alzheimer etc. it is often observed that used cooking oil is not at all disposed or not disposed properly, it is essential to dispose off used cooking oil in such a manner that is not hazardous to the environment otherwise it may cause choking of drains and sewage system.

Steps Taken By Food Safety and Standard authority of India

For managing the amount of total polar compounds in vegetable oil used for any purpose, the Food Safety and Standard Authority of India (FSSAI) has fixed the limit at 25% for Total Polar Compounds and beyond that point it shall not be allowed to use the vegetable oil.

This was implemented from 1st July 2018 onwards, under this all Food Business Operators shall be required to keep a check on the quality of oil during frying by complying with the provided regulations also FSSAI has implemented an EEE strategy for that which stands for Education, Enforcement, Ecosystem.

Impact of RUCO:

1. It will eliminate adverse health effects caused by used cooking oil.

2. It would help in generating employment and boost economic growth.

3. It shall increase the Infrastructural investment in Rural Areas.

4. It shall result in Cleaner environment with a reduced carbon footprint.

Repurpose Used Cooking Oil has helped to promote a shift towards a circular economy model with health, environmental and economic benefits.

Handling & Disposal of Used Cooking Oil (UCO)

FSSAI has released a guidance note that explains the Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) for safe handling and disposal of Used Cooking Oil for the benefit of consumers as well as small and big Food Business Operators (FBOs).

A) Basic Handling of Used Cooking Oil at Households

1. If an oil is once used in frying it should be filtered and can be used in making curry preparation so that it is economical for nature, and same oil must not be used for frying.

2. Used Cooking Oil must be disposed smoke turns blue-grey smoke or some tough foam is formed or it becomes dark and murky or the consistency of oil changes.

3. Used Cooking Oil should be consumed in a day or maximum 2nd day. It must not be stored for longer times as it will increase the rate of deterioration in used oil.

4. Do not mix the fresh oil with Used Cooking Oil. Store it separately.

5. To dispose small quantities of Used Cooking Oil, mix the oil with some absorbent material, such as sand or used towel or paper towel or food scraps so that it do not spill just like that anywhere and then throw it in dustbins.

B) For small Food Business Operators (FBOs)

1. Same oil must not be used for more than three times. It shall be ideal to use it only once.

2. Used Cooking Oil must be filtered frequently to remove food particles from it.

3. One must never dispose of remaining oil in drains or sewerage systems.

4. FBOs should not buy Used Cooking Oil for preparing their foods products.

C) For big Food Business Operators (FBOs)

1. Used Cooking Oil develops the Total Polar Compounds beyond the limit of 25% and is a hazardous waste and such oil must be discarded.

2. The discarded oil must be kept in a separate container once it is cooled. Container must be labeled to avoid cross contamination.

3. Hot oil should not be transferred to avoid chances of spilling and injury.

4. Used Cooking Oil must be kept away from lame, gas cylinders etc.