The history of India Company Law began with the Joint Stock Companies Act 1850. Since then a cumulative process of amendment and consolidation brought us to the most comprehensive and complicated piece of legislation, The Companies Act, 1956. The Companies Act, 2013 has replaced the Companies Act, 156. The Act has 470 sections and 7 schedules. The Companies Bill 2012 was passed by the Lok Sabha on 18th December 2012 and by the Rajya Sabha 8th August 2013. On receiving the assent of Hon'ble President of India on 29th August 2013, it was notified on 30th August 2013 as the Companies Act 2013.
The word Company has been derived from the Latin word "com" which means "with or together" and "panis" which means "bread". It is called a body corporate because the persons composing it are made into one body by incorporating it according to law and clothing it with a legal personality. A company can be defined as an "artificial person", invisible, intangible, created under the law, with a discrete legal entity, perpetual succession, and a common seal.
A company is a form of business organization. The definition of the term varies by country. In general, a company is the same as a corporation. Which is a union of natural persons that has its own legal status that is independent of the persons involved. It is a "creature" of the statute; i.e., it is like a person created by law. Because it is recognized by governments as such (as a separate creature) it must file tax returns and pay taxes and conform to state and federal law. This separation of persons and corporation gives it special powers. Its status and capacity are determined by the law of the place of incorporation. A corporation is defined as a legal entity or structure created under the authority of a state's laws, consisting of a person or group of persons who become shareholders. The entity's existence is considered separate and distinct from that of its members. Like a real person, a corporation can enter into contracts, can sue and can be sued, can pay taxes separately from its owners and do the other things necessary to conduct business.
As per Section 2 (20) of the Companies Act, 2013, the term “Company" has been defined as "a company incorporated under this Act or under any previous company law.” It means that 'the persons who form the company and contribute money or money’s worth for the business of the company are called ‘Members’. They get ‘shares’ in the company in the proportion of their contribution to the company. The contribution made by members of the company is the ‘Capital’ of the company'. The company is a legal person created by a process of law other than natural birth. For this reason, a company is also called an artificial legal person. As a natural person, a company also enjoys many rights and incurred many liabilities of a natural person.
Every entrepreneur is excited about the first step of starting a business, which is giving it a legal identity by getting a company registered. Companies are governed through legal documents that pan out the do’s and don’ts for it. Commonly known as company charter, Memorandum of Association (MOA) and Articles of Association (AOA) define the company’s scope of work and its internal management. Drafting of these documents is one of the most critical steps in the Private Limited Company registration process.
Memorandum and Articles are supreme legal documents forming the company’s constitution. They are indispensable, and the foundation of a company stands on it. Therefore, drafting them requires the utmost precision and clarity. Let us look into the meaning and importance of articles of association and memorandum of association.
Memorandum of association defines the relation of the company with the rights of the members of the company interest and also establishes the relationship of the company with the members. As per Section 2(56) of the Companies Act,2013 “memorandum” means the memorandum of association of a company as originally framed or as altered from time to time in pursuance of any previous company law or of this Act. Section 4 of the Companies Act,2013 deals with MOA. The Memorandum of a company shall contain the following;
The memorandums are of the following type depending on their form.
This is the secondary document playing a vital role in defining the company’s internal workings, their rights, duties and management. As per Section 2(5) of the Companies Act,2013 an “article” refers to the original article of association of a company or a version that has been altered so as to comply to the laws stipulated in the Act. Section 5 of the Companies Act,2013 defines the article of association as the document that contains the rules and regulations regarding the management of the company. It contains the by-laws and other rules & regulations that a company runs by. The contents of AoA remain in sync with the MoA and the Companies Act. Contents of Articles of Association: