In a country like India where there are large numbers of Food Businesses be it on a small scale or large scale also it is mandatory for every food business to get itself registered by The Food Safety and Standard Authority of India and due to lack of knowledge or technical assistance it is difficult for the small businesses to get itself registered. So for the assistance of small food business operators FSSAI has launched an initiative called “Food Safety Mitra”.
About the initiative
Food Safety Mitra is an individual who is professionally trained and certified by Food Safety and Standard Act, Rules & regulation that helps small Food Business Operators with services like licensing, registration, training and hygiene rating of their food business. This scheme broadly provides 3 major services:
Digital Mitra- under this the FBO’s are given technical assistance for the compliances on the online portals of the FSSAI
Trainer Mitra- Under this they are educated about the food safety act, rules & regulation and implementation of these.
Hygiene mitra- this helps them to know about hygiene standards and do the hygiene ratings of the FBOs.
Charges for services
- Filing of registration of application, modification &annual declaration for registration
amounts to Rs.100/-
- Charges for filing of licensing of
application, modification & annual returns for license is Rs. 500/-
- Basic/advance/special
level training charges are Rs-2000-5000 which
is to be negotiated by Trainer Mitra.
- Hygiene
Audit charges are Rs-2000-5000 and
it is also to be negotiated by Hygiene Mitra.
Future goal of Food Safety Mitra is to certify 5000 FBOs by the next five years, it
will also act as a part of Eat Right India Movement and will create a strong
footprint for the Food Regulation and Food Safety.