
Offer and Acceptance

Contracts play a vital role in our everyday life ranging from employment contracts to insurance policies. In Fact, we enter into contracts even without thinking, for example, while downloading an appl...

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Communication of Proposal

Indian Contract law occupies the most important place in commercial law. Without the law on contracts, it would have been difficult to exercise a trade or any other commercial activity. It is not only...

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Reciprocal Promise

I. WHAT IS RECIPROCAL PROMISE- AS PER INDIAN CONTRACT ACT,1872 In order to understand the Reciprocal Promise meaning, we must to first comprehend the definitions of proposal, promise, consideration...

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I. MEANING OF OFFER OR PROPOSAL UNDER INDIAN CONTRACT ACT, 1872 Under Indian Contract Act, 1872 the term ‘Offer’ and ‘Proposal’ is used interchangeably. An offer and its acceptance is the ...

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Novation, Rescission, Alteration under the Indian Contract Act

A contract to be lawfully enforceable should be valid. The Indian Contract Act, 1872 under section 10 provides the essential conditions that are to be complied with for a valid contract. They are the ...

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Meaning of Quantum Meruit under Indian Contract Act,1872

QUANTUM MERUIT MEANING Quantum Meruit is a Latin phrase related to Indian Contract Act, 1872 which means “what one has earned” or “as much as he has earned”. Quantum meruit means a demand ...

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The maxim ‘Caveat Emptor’ means “buyer beware” or ‘’let the buyer beware’’. In other words, the buyer must take care of his own interest while purchasing the goods. The doctrine o...

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Continuing Guarantee under Indian Contract Act, 1872

The agreements or Contracts between various parties are framed and validated by the Indian Contract Act. Contract Act is one of the most central laws that oversees and regulates all the business where...

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Doctrine of Promissory Estoppel

The doctrine of promissory estoppel is established on the principles of fair play, justice and good conscience. This principle was evolved by equity to prevent injustice. This Principle means that whe...

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